Super Paper Mario

Super Paper Mario

for the Wii

Mario flips out on an adventure through eight exciting and vibrant worlds! Switch from 2D to 3D to avoid enemies, find secret passages, grab hidden items, and shake the Wii Remote for stylish moves! Uncover hilarious plot-twists as you power-up with new friends and even play as Peach and Bowser!
Near Mint | Complete in Box
Sold by Ben's Retro Games
of 1
Super Paper Mario
Super Paper Mario
Super Paper Mario
Super Paper Mario
Super Paper Mario
Super Paper Mario

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  • The King of Retro Games
    Near Mint | Complete in Box

    $25.20 + $5.00 in shipping

    of 1
  • Ben's Retro Games
    Near Mint | Complete in Box

    $20.00 + $6.99 in shipping

    of 1