Mario Party 9

Mario Party 9

for the Wii

The party is back and bigger than ever in the Mario Partyâ„¢ 9 game for Wii, featuring all-new ways to play! For the first time in the franchise, boss battles crash the party and challenge players to compete to defeat a common enemy. In addition, players now travel across stages together in a vehicle towards a common goal - overcoming obstacles, battling bosses, and collecting Mini Stars stolen by Bowserâ„¢ and his minions.
Near Mint | Complete in Box
Sold by The King of Retro Games
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Mario Party 9
Mario Party 9
Mario Party 9
Mario Party 9
Mario Party 9
Mario Party 9

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  • The King of Retro Games
    Near Mint | Complete in Box

    $50.40 + $5.00 in shipping

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