Pro Wrestling

Pro Wrestling

for the Nintendo Entertainment System

Now real wrestling action is at your fingertips! It's a reverse bulldog, a double noggin-knocker, a leap off the top turnbuckle - it's pure pandemonium! Welcome to the world of Nintendo Pro Wrestling. Where you take on six of the meanest, baddest, most rotten guys around. With names like The Amazon, Giant Panther, and King Corn Karn. You'll begin the match by choosing a wrestler and an opponent - either the computer or a friend. Then with a flick of the wrist you'll perform drop-kicks, body-slams, head-locks and dozens of other bone-crunching moves designed to annihilate your opponent.
Near Mint | Loose
Sold by The King of Retro Games
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Pro Wrestling
Pro Wrestling

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  • The King of Retro Games
    Near Mint | Loose

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