Dr. Mario

Dr. Mario

for the Nintendo Entertainment System

Feeling under the weather? Well, Dr. Mario has the cure for you! Help him fight bodies of nasty viruses with multi-colored vitamins, eliminating those germs faster than they can multiply. Rotate the vitamins as they drop, and gain a higher score by aligning multiples of the same color. Clear all of the viruses to move on to the next round. But watch out as the vitamins start dropping at a faster rate! Not enough of a challenge? Try competing against a buddy, and prove that you're just what the doctor prescribed!
Near Mint | Loose
Sold by The King of Retro Games
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Dr. Mario
Dr. Mario
Dr. Mario
Dr. Mario
Dr. Mario
Dr. Mario

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  • The King of Retro Games
    Near Mint | Loose

    $14.40 + $5.00 in shipping

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