Pokémon Snap

Pokémon Snap

for the Nintendo 64

The Professor has asked you to capture the Wild Pokémon of Pokémon island...on film! Tour the island in your ZERO-ONE vehicle and snap pictures of Pokémon in their natural habitat. Wild Pokémon are often camera-shy, so you'll have to use special items to bring them out in the open. Only the best shots will do for the Professor's Pokémon Report, so sharpen your photography skills and get ready to SNAP!
Near Mint | Loose
Sold by The King of Retro Games
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Pokémon Snap
Pokémon Snap
Pokémon Snap
Pokémon Snap
Pokémon Snap
Pokémon Snap

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  • The King of Retro Games
    Near Mint | Loose

    $28.80 + $5.00 in shipping

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