WWE Road to WrestleMania X8

WWE Road to WrestleMania X8

for the GameBoy Advance

WWE Road to WrestleMania X8 is a video game released on the Game Boy Advance handheld console by THQ in 2002, based on WWE's 2002 pay-per-view WrestleMania X8, their biggest show of the year. The game featured improved gameplay and grappling techniques compared to its predecessors. This game was the Game Boy Advanced successor to WWF Road to WrestleMania from 2001. The game was succeeded by WWE Survivor Series released in 2004. WWE also released WWE WrestleMania X8 for the GameCube in June 2002, making the GBA game in a way the "prequel", despite WrestleMania X8 being published five months prior.
WWE Road to WrestleMania X8
WWE Road to WrestleMania X8
WWE Road to WrestleMania X8
WWE Road to WrestleMania X8
WWE Road to WrestleMania X8
WWE Road to WrestleMania X8

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